(I found this book intro tonight while hunting down the title of the song that contains the quote in tonight's post of 4ozs.blogspot.com which I was humming after reading Rob Brezsny's horoscopes for next week.
I'd forgotten I started to write a book my first stay in San Francisco. All I wrote was this intro, which seemed lacking to me, and a bit of an outline.
Below the intro is a quote from an astronomy article I found tonight on the internet, and below that, an incomplete summary of my theory about synchronicities.)
21 November 2006
A- General
“Despite the lack of stars, the Dark Ages were not completely dark. A rare process caused hydrogen gas to glow dimly.”
I am reading “The Dark Ages of the Universe”—an article by Abraham Loeb in this month’s Scientific American. It’s a meaty paper that assumes a lot of background knowledge I don’t have.
Still, one concept I glean from it is that even when it was dark, it was light.
A scientific doorway into mysticism is a concept perhaps contradictory to spiritual practice.
Don’t think about it-experience it.
Don’t learn, be.
[the press to write this book came from the silence when I tried to explore what had happened/was happening to me. I had little place to release something that felt so big to me.]
We marvel at the experiences-the epiphanies that take us out of ourselves.
We have senses that bring in data-and a brain to assemble that data into useable information. The brain is hungry to assemble the pieces.
Maybe we’re not supposed to be content, but hungry, hungry enough to move forward.
The more we learn the logic behind the magic [just like our ancestors did regarding eclipses and thunder storms and why the sun ‘rises’ every day] the more we may relax to permit progress toward more genuine lives, toward inner and outer peace. Now much of the world lives in abject poverty looking just for food and shelter, and others of us drive around in cars with little real direction looking for more and more things to buy that seem to satisfy our real hunger, but just cover it up.
The simplest reason I think about the physics of time and space and the origins of the universe is because I am hungry to know.
And just as the hunger to know has carried humans around the globe and into the sea and up to the moon, it may well carry us to new [perhaps very old] ways to communicate, to travel that we have scarcely imagined. (A spiritual evolution for humans.)
Don’t ignore and hide unusual experiences and hunger. Keep them in the open. Take notes.
'And gravitational lensing is essentially the only method astronomers have for tracing out the web of dark matter that pervades the Universe, and determining how dark energy has impacted the evolution of this web. “It’s really hot scientifically,” she says.
Like dark energy, dark matter is also invisible. It accounts for most of the matter in the universe, but exactly what it is remains unknown. Scientists only know that dark matter differs significantly from normal matter (which is essentially composed of protons and neutrons) that dominates everyday life.
“What we’re made of is just about five percent of everything that’s in the universe,” Gates says.'
University of Chicago (2009, February 24). Gravitational Lensing: Astronomers Harness Einstein’s Telescope. ScienceDaily. Retrieved February 24, 2009, from http://www.sciencedaily.com /releases/2009/02/090220172053.htm
I've established to my own satisfaction that synchronicities (and precognitions, ESP related experiences) are different from coincidence or flawed attempts by the brain to make sense of limited data. So what are they?
The gist of my hypothesis is that it's the web of dark matter that forms the grid that connects us to different points in time and space, different events, individuals, living creatures, objects, that interconnects among many dimensions. (The grid more like a nest of curly, spiraling hair--haha--than a simple two dimensional tic-tac-toe grid.) Dark matter is the fabric of the connection of each individual's awareness to universal consciousness.
Synchronicities could just be intersections within the web of dark matter.
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